And so it Begins…

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How the HELL-O did we get here?

First of all…hello, and welcome. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve either found me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or some other form of Social Media.

Either way, I’m happy you’re here to share the maiden voyage of ‘KGandFam’ in Blog form. If you’re one of my OG followers (which it probably isn’t many) you probably know this is NOT my first rodeo! I’ve actually started writing in 2020 for my business Royal Descent Beauty and again in 2021. I stopped for a number of reasons, Life, being the primary reason.

So here I am, giving it yet another shot, three years later.

Let me introduce myself.

For those of you who don’t know me, hi, my name is Kyra! I’m a mom, Travel Agent, and aspiring Mom Influencer. I’ve wanted to write a Blog related to the direction of my current niche, however there’s one small problem…

People don’t like to read!

But I digress, my goal was to reach like minded parents of all backgrounds that would inspire them to not only have fun being a parent, but have fun being themselves. I feel like parenthood SHOULD change you, but change you for the better.

So many of us lose ourselves in being a parent. So this is me, in my truth, being the most happy, unhinged, parent that’s just trying to make it day by day.

What to Expect?

When you come to my Blog you’ll find a few different things, between everyday activities (either alone or with kids), self care, routines, travel and more!

Some Blogs may (or may not) have affiliate links for Amazon, which you can choose to use or not use.

I hope to keep my Blogs either informative OR entertaining, as well as short for my friends who prefer not to read. (See! I’m always thinking of you guys!)

Iโ€™m so excited to share my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you on living a happy, unhinged, fulfilling life as a parent. I hope you enjoy your stay here and find inspiration, motivation, and maybe share a laugh or two.

Iโ€™d love to hear from you, so feel free to comment below or email me at [email] if you have any questions or comments on this blog.

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Author Profile

Kyra G

Hi! I’m Kyra! I’m a mom, content creator, and Travel Agent. Most of my content is for entertainment purposes, but my goal is for it to be informative and inspiring. I can’t wait to bring you into my chaotic unhinged world!